I've said this to many, that dusk is my favorite time of day.
The sky from orange to deep blue--everything is alive!
Diurnals settling in for bed, nocturnals waking to begin their hunt
Noise, sound, music--the distinctions blur with nature's buzz.
Humans are different at dusk, too.
It seems a whirlwind of unwinding, hunger, and industry all at once.
The silver lining seldom makes its way to us at this time,
the weekday dusk.
The weekend dusk is concrete peace,
Whistling is pleasant now, even the trees seem to sway in harmony--
I wait for the next move with one thing in mind,
breathe. Keep breathing.
I like the time just as dusk ends and night begins and there is no orange or yellow. There's just almost dark blue fading, slowly, into an almost black, black.