Hawaiinei has been on my mind a lot lately, so I thought I'd kick off my friend-not-family letters with one to you. My favorite, we-can-literally-do-anything-together-and-have-an-incredible-time, BFF. If anyone else reading this has any doubts, ready-set-GO!
Orange and Green go good together

Hilo nights

Slytherins & Gryffindors CAN get along

Haircut time! May she rest in peace. :(

Am I naked?

Sleepless in Seattle

Cried like a little baby when I graduated. Love it.

We rock 4-miles like bosses

Tan for hours

Remember how many times we lipsynced 5:19 by Matt Wertz? I do. This session:

The funniest thing about our friendship is that we go to such remote places we hardly ever bring a camera for fear of damaging it. I've never had anyone in my life that's so easy to open up to, to hear from, and most importantly, to be absolutely ridiculous with.
Exhibit A:
I know we never talk when we're far away from each other (which is the majority of the time), but there's something to be said having a friendship that takes no maintenance, and picks up exactly where it left off every time.
I'm so proud to have you in my life and know that I rave about you all the time to my friends back East. I love you sistafrand, see you so. freaking. soon!
Let's go surf and hike and get all buss while I'm on Oahu,
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