You know what's coming--I laugh hardest and easiest with you. The closest image I have of our relationship is this:
Remember when you were pregnant and smoking a cig that one time? I loved those overalls. On a serious note--you give me cojones so big in the workplace I can't fit them in my damn overalls anymore. When I ask for a raise I always think about you. You have always been so confident in pursuing what you want to be doing, and forgetting everything else. When you aren't challenged or stimulated, you're not interested--and I inherited that trait from you.
That doesn't only hold true for work, you're like that about most things in life. Dad, you and I all have an adrenaline craving like a bad habit. Remember going segway-ing and you and Dad were fooling around during the instructional period in the beginning and Dad busted ass? If only you had had your GoPro on, I still remember him taking out most of the bicycle stand, landing on his butt and you hysterically laughing behind him.
Your laughter is so contagious, and you have one of the best smiles out there. Exhibit A:

And you know you are the connoisseur of the best facial expressions on the planet.
The "I have a turkey and WILL NOT give it to you, you bitch."

The "I 'm crying at my wife's wedding vows because I have a heart of gold."

The Napoleon Dynamite. "Shia LA BEOUF"

The "I have a sandwich and WILL NOT give it to you, you bitch. I also hear voices."

The "old japanese man."

The "oh my gawdddd soooo many hottiez all around me. HALP!"

The fishbowl. Similar to soooo many hottiez but warped.

Alright, embarrassed yet? NO! Of course not. You're a significant soul my friend, one that I've seen transform and be moved in so many ways through our lives. I wouldn't be your little sister if I didn't acknowledge just how awful you made my childhood. I have some thick, thick, emotional skin brother--and I'm grateful for it.
Remember that video of the Easter egg hunt? I was probably two, had just started doing that adorable toddler run/walk thing. I was in my pink lacy Easter dress and Mom & Dad had put out some "easy eggs" in the middle of the yard so I could find some with my two-year-old-undeveloped-brain. Dad said, " 1, 2, 3, GO!", You and Isaac sprinted off into the yard, Dad stayed behind to tell me to look for eggs. I waddled off the back porch, onto the grass, two steps from my first Easter egg, basket too-big-for-me-to-carry in tow, and you ran in front, grabbed the egg, threw it in your basket and ran off. Isaac says something to you in the video and you came back and put it in my basket.
Once, there was a huge wolf spider in Dad's truck, and it ran under the seat in front of me. You switched spots with me for the rest of the ride and put your arm around me.
More than once, you pinned me to the ground and dribbled a disgusting spit wad over my face precariously, letting it come within a quarter inch of my nose. Then, you dropped it. Huge, mucous membrane--all over my face. I cried and took a shower.
You came to visit me in Harrisonburg and we went to a Jell-O wrestling party and had the time of our freaking lives--both of us being awesome wrestlers made it so easy, whatever the medium. You came to the gay club with us and despite being groped by a million attractive men, didn't make a move on any of them ONCE. I still never understood--they were so good looking. :) We danced so hard and it was amazing.
Anyway, thank you for being a blast--24/7. For being kind (most of the time), determined, and an incredible big brother.
I love you,
I was eating my daily pasta and literally choked, almost to death, after reading the recollection of Dad's spill off the Segway. It would be the Robinsons to find a way to crash on a Segway.
ReplyDeleteI don't remember the spider thing, but I think despite being a "normal" sibling to you, I think I always loved you even though it was completely uncool to "think" so.
I remember fending off creepy Mexican men in the gay club in Washington DC from all you girls, and despite dancing like a complete idiot (because to this day I still think I am a much better dancer than I probably actually am, though I'm not TERRIBLE), I managed to have so much fun.
You write these posts to pay homage to everyone else, but what about us paying homage to you?
To quote Kelly Clarkson... Because of you:
-I respect people who are willing to be open about their sexual preference
-I shame people (hopefully not in too mean of a way) who disagree with the concept of sexual preference freedom and try to convince them that they shouldn't care either
-I follow the modern day feminist movement and start to realize how I contribute to misogyny unintentionally (e.g. mentally shaming women for wearing "slutty" clothes yet finding it "sexy")
-And countless other ways I have changed for the better
I have hopes someday we can be closer, both geographically and emotionally, because I have so much more to make up for, to pay you back for my sibling scarring.
You suffer more difficulty in one fingertip than I do in my entire body, and yet you power through, stride forward, and look good doing it.
Love with my entire heart,
Eli (and probably Amy too :D)