My parents.
For being people who let me choose my way.
They let me:
Dress real weird.
Talk to strangers.
Eat Kraft macaroni and cheese and Lipton chicken noodle soup every day for three years.
Through them, I know that:
I am loved.
The world is a tough place.
I want to explore the world.
I am beautiful and intelligent.
I will always believe that people are good.
I can talk to them without fear of judgment.
I will love with my whole heart, unashamed.
They believe with the utmost confidence that I'm ready.
They are not embarrassed by any part of me and never have been.
Being honest is admirable, no matter how long it takes someone else to understand that.
Keeping my word when I make a commitment is one of the most important things I can uphold.
I have too many friends who don't know those things, and too many parents who don't care about that fact.
Thank you for my life. This will always be my most precious gift, and I can only hope to give you something as equally powerful some day.
You're welcome. And, thank you. You do a lot for everyone around you, it's amazing.