Sunday, July 26, 2009

I Know What I Did This Summer.

Painted my entire body orange.
Was amazed at how Black is hard to spot in this picture.
Attended a fancy party.
Flashed my friends while falling as my bikini bottom strings got caught in a hammock.
Tried out for America's Next Top Model
Caught one fatty crab, and let it go again.
Tried to convince Dobby to stop beating himself while Dumbledore and Moaning Myrtle looked on.
Proceeded to free Dobby. (As Moaning Myrtle looked on)
Got my motorcycle/motor vehicle permit!
Learned how to crawfish. And how to feel terrible about ripping their little bodies open.
Rest in Peace, James Longwood, Sr.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Is ABC really as easy as 123?

It came to my attention today that I missed 12:34:56 PM on 7/8/09. I frivolously discarded the only time this will ever happen in history.

Perhaps in response to this scandalous mistake at 2:16:39 AM on 7/10/09, I will declare the Roman Calendar insignificant in my worldview.

Feeling better already. I think I've been reading too many nihilist novels.

Thank you for your comfort food responses, a follow-up blog will ensue quite soon!

P.S. I recently happened upon the best video I have seen in all of non-Roman time: